Our Mission is to provide a venue that enriches the quality of life and promotes fellowship for the

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Our Last Meeting For This Season

Our last meeting of the season was a great success due to a good attendance and a wonderful speaker. Joe Waters (center), CEO of Vexor Technologies,
brought a wealth of information to our members about every one's responsibilities on the disposal of thrash that we all create.
Our landfills are filling at an alarming rate; methane gases escape into the atmosphere and are creating greenhouse gases. Waters explained alternative ways of disposal such as incineration and of course, recycling. Vexor has developed the technology to recycle waste into high energy fuels which are excellent for the use in the production of cement. Cement plants are in many locations and presently use large amounts of high sulfur coal. Vexor's fuel is the right alternative at the right time. If anyone would like more information on Vexor technologies, visit their website. The presentation by Waters was assisted by VCC resident and consultant to Vexor, Dick Sernyak (right). Also in the photo is VCC resident Jack Bream(left) who is a public relations advisor for Vexor.
The Right Angle Club thanks Joe, Dick and Jack for this presentation.

John Chaffee As Uncle Sam

John Chaffee was guest speaker at our March luncheon and had an important message to share. He came dressed as Uncle Sam , 200 years old, tired , tattered and angry at our politicians for what is going on in politics. The theme was that we should be very afraid of the direction in which this country is being led, and we should stand up and let our politicians know how angry we are.
The spending by Congress is totally out of control and will affect many generations going forward. We will become a weak nation with all this debt. John fears that our Constitution as our founding father had meant it to be will be lost. The memory of the men who died defending the Constitution of The United States will be weakened by selfish elected officials.
John's award winning video " Play By The Rules" conveys his message loud and clear. John had a well deserved standing ovation at the end of his presentation. The Right Angle Club of VCC was fortunate to have such a timely and patriotic presentation by a very patriotic individual, John Chafee.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

About The Right Angle Men's Club

About Right Angle Men's Club

The name Right Angle was borrowed from a club in Philadelphia, although the name is the only thing in common with that organization. Our mission is to provide luncheon speakers on topics of interest to the men of Vanderbilt CC. We do this 6 times a year, November to April. As the names implies, we attempt to get the right angle on any topic by inviting the most knowledgeable speaker in the field.
Our 9 man Executive Committee is self appointed,relatively unstructured and changes from time to time as some move on to other interests and are replaced from within the VCC membership.
Our income of $2,000. or so per year derives from a $10. annual membership fee and proceeds from a monthly 50/50 draw. Other than a small amount of expense for badges and occasional speaker gifts, all of the remaining proceed are donated to VCC for needed items that are not in its budget.

Our speakers over the years have come from business, sports, military, county administration and the arts. Our luncheons are on the second or third Thursday of the month, begin at 11:50 and end at 1:30. Typically we provide a buffet and enough time for a chat with friends before the speaker introduction.
Anyone interested in joining us can email RIGHTANGLEOFVCC@AOL.COM or call membership Chairman Paul L'Esperance at 239-455-3691.