Our Mission is to provide a venue that enriches the quality of life and promotes fellowship for the

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


The Right Angle Men's Club met on February 12, 2015 to enjoy camaraderie, a plated lunch and to listen to Stephen Myers from Angel Eyes UAV. Mr. Myers is the president of the company that focuses on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or DRONES.  

The meeting kicked off with the Pledge of Allegiance, a 50/50 raffle and the introduction of our guest speaker by Bill Cooper.  After opening remarks, Mr. Myers discussion of UAVs covered the following major topics:   

1   1)      UAV definitions and classification
2   2)      Legal aspects and implication of UAVs
3   3)      Application and use of drone (UAV) technology    

Some of the key points from his discussion were:

Unmanned Ariel Systems have been in use since WWII when balloons were used to drop bombs. UAVs are ideal for use with tasks that humans should not be involved with because they are one of the “4Ds”- Dull, Dirty, Dangerous or Difficult.

There is much grey area today with regulation of UAVs. The confusion is due to both the lack of regulation and many commercial and non-commercial uses of UAVs. While the US lags other countries, Florida is very friendly to the aviation industry. There are many issues with UAVs including detection and avoidance, spectrum, secure GPS and certification.
The uses for UAVs include:
1   1)      Detecting hot spots on houses or commercial buildings.
2   2)      Multi-spectral detection for crop growth and vegetation, including golf courses.
3   3)      Volumetric studies.
4   4)      Corona discharge for electric wires.
In the future, you can expect more safety features for UAVs including parachutes, personal airspace protection, deterrents for flight interruption and capability to block jamming of UAV control transmission.
Mr. Myers answered several questions and concerns from our members including the FAA's proposed laws.

The following link contains a summary of the FAA’s suggestions for proposed laws:

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:30 with Paul L’Esperance announcing the next meeting date and speaker.