Our Mission is to provide a venue that enriches the quality of life and promotes fellowship for the

Monday, February 15, 2016


The Right Angle Men's Club met on February 11, 2016 to enjoy comradery, a buffet lunch and to present  Ms. Jennifer Pash as our guest speaker.   

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, a 50/50 raffle and the introduction of our guest speaker by Bill Cooper. Ms. Pash spoke about the world’s largest Habitat for Humanity Chapter located in Collier County, Florida. Some of the key point from her presentation were:

1)      The Collier County Habitat chapter was established in 1978 and is now 38 years since then. Over 1,850 families in Collier County own Habitat homes and approximately 300 have already paid off their mortgages.
2)      Collier County was the second affiliate in the U.S. after the initial affiliate was created in Georgia. Millard Fuller founded Habitat, not Jimmy Carter who is arguably the most famous Habitat volunteer.  
3)      Eight communities are now completed with Victoria Falls being the first Naples neighborhood.
4)      Faith Landing (in Immokalee) and Legacy Lakes (in Naples) are the two communities where building is currently occurring.
5)      Attached villas were previously being built, but now Habitat has returned to building single family homes. The prior home was 1,069 sq. ft. and the new, single family house is roughly 1,200 sq. ft.
6)      There are 15 families that apply for each home that Habitat can build. Habitat in Collier County can enable about 6 families a month to own  at this time. The average mortgage payment is $650/month and it is an interest free loan with Habitat holding the mortgage.
7)      Potential new home owners must provide 500 hours of ‘sweat equity”, a $1,500  minimum down payment, live in Collier County for at least 1 year and have no criminal record.
8)      The sale price of the attached villa was $125K and the price of the new home model is $140K.

Ms. Pash answered questions from Right Angle Members and provided additional insight into our local Habitat chapter including how applicants are selected for homes and the funding process.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:30 with Paul L’Esperance providing a small token of appreciation to Ms. Pash.